While Dom has mostly grown out of these Dominic-isms and sayings, we find ourselves still repeating them often:
Chwa-chik (chocolate)
"Ooo my best favorite"
"Dada, he's a big toe jam"
"Wasawasawasawasa" (ummm)
"No yike it"
"Ooo happy?"
"Meeeeeeeeeeeeeat!!!!!" (with butt shake)
"Dada, oo a good cooker!"
"All done chamul!" (treadmill)
Che-chem (thank you)
Crunchy skiing (xcountry)
"Heavy lift" (big ski lift)
Positihavior (positive behavior)
Beebee (his baby doggy)
Pianio (piano)
Balance Times Day (Valentines Day)
Pianio (piano)
Balance Times Day (Valentines Day)
Crumbs (boogers)
Brefet (breakfast)
The "shop" (Red Caboose coffee shop)
Brefet (breakfast)
The "shop" (Red Caboose coffee shop)