Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Family Reunions! Sunriver, Part I

We came to Eastern Oregon for our two family reunions at the end of July.  The first part of the week we spent in Sunriver with the Barth Family.  We had a wonderful time!  Highlights included: playing at Tumalo State Park,

playing at the park,

floating the river,

eating delicious foods,

(ok, so we didn't really eat the pond fish that we caught),
ping pong tournaments,

and....ROCKET CLASS!!!!!

Here is the photo play-by-play: 

First, we put together and decorate rockets (ours is, of course, "The Monarch");

Second, put rocket on launcher;

Three, two, one...


The white speck on the right side of this photo is our rocket coming out of orbit...well, coming down from 2,000'+ (close enough).

And...The Monarch miraculously lands in the parking lot!!!!


And here is the video rendition (Sophia launching Nama's rocket):
YAY! Family!!!  We miss you!!!

Memorable Sophia quote for the week:
"I'm doing a moon dance watershow to celebrate Jesus!!!!!"

Yeah...we have NO idea.

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